Diia.My impacts in 2024

Sofia Krushelnytska of Diia.MY provided this report on progress they have made in 2024.

 1. Created aook about inclusive society “Different and Cool” for children from 3 to 5 years old. We raised UAH 90,000 through fundraising and are looking for a printer. We plan to present the book before Christmas. We want to organize public readings.

2. We had working meetings with the Department of Tourism of the city of Lviv. We are working on the creation of 5 booklets about the correct service for people with disabilities who come to Lviv. Booklets for local businesses, hotels, journalists, guides. The city will pay. 

They also offered to sell our inclusive colorings. Therefore, we are now also thinking about creating sets of “Different and Cool” pencils. where all the pencils will be different like people.

3. The international organization “Partnership for every child” together with UNICEF are interested in the development of our “School of Parenting” project. They suggested that we jointly submit our application for a grant to organize a school, women’s club and support groups for parents in 7 communities of the Lviv region during the year. This will be a pilot project funded by UNICEF. If we have good results, our findings will be spread throughout Ukraine so that children do not end up in boarding schools.

4. We were invited to training for the public sector on the provision of social services in communities. it is a complex process, but only a few organizations have been invited to the training. So we will try. this will give us the opportunity to receive funds from the state for our parenting school.

5. Also, our employees Maria and Maryana are certified patronage trainers, so together with “Partnership for every child” we organize trainings and want to implement a large information campaign to popularize patronage. Because they were interested in our approach to working with information.